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How to use a coupon code on ARTIST SHOT?
Go to artistshot.com
After copying a promo code, go to the website artistshot.com and sign into your account.
Select a category and subcategory
Select a category that is related to the item you need or simply type the search the word. Choose a subcategory and use the filters to narrow your search.
Choose an item
On the page with products for the selected category, you can use filters for a more convenient search. Find the product you want and click on it.
Add to shopping cart
Fill the shopping cart with clothes, home décor, fashion accessories, and more pre-designed and customized items.
Proceed to the checkout
Make your way to the upper right-hand corner of the page, click on the shopping cart icon, view the accumulated clothing picks in the cart summary menu, and proceed to the checkout.
Apply the discount code
Place the saved promotional code in the “Code” entry, and press “Apply” to buy your unique items at a delightful discount.