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How to use a coupon code on Blauer Board Shop?
Choose promo code
Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to uncover the favored Blauer Board Shop promo code. Save the code to the clipboard.
Go to the store's website
Visit to give yourself a good head start with reliable snowboarding staples.
Select an item
Fill the shopping cart with snowboards, bindings, boots, snow clothing, and more products for your winter sports adventures.
Find the shopping bag icon
Wend your way to the northeast boundary of the page.
View the shopping cart
Click on the “Cart” entry. Glance over the amassed snowboarding picks in the cart summary menu and push “View Cart”.
Go to checkout
Make sure your snowboarding items appear in the shopping cart and proceed to the checkout.
Apply promo code
Place the saved promo code in the “Discount code or gift card” box and hit “Apply”. Gear up in your new picks and rush towards new jumps, riding extreme terrains, and more amenities of snowboarding.