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Get the Deal
Fresh candies are looking forward to teasing your taste buds. Live up to the demands your sweet tooth is making on you with always fresh candies, nuts, and more snacks. Use the guide below to check out your sweet treats at a discount. Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to uncover the favored Candy Retailer promo code. Save the code to the clipboard.
Add the item to the cart
Follow candyretailer.com to supply your candy pantry with from an all-American online candy store.
Proceed to Checkout
Wend your way to the upper-right corner of the page. Click on the “Cart” entry. Ascertain that your candies have settled down in the shopping cart and continue to the checkout.
Apply promo code
Follow through the order placement until you reach the "Place order" stage. Put the set-aside promo code in the “Discount code” box and hit “Apply”. Spoil yourself with a forever-expending selection of candies and snacks.