Fikabröd Promo Code & Coupons

How to use a coupon code on Fikabröd?

  1. Go to

    Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to lift a veil of the preferred Fikabröd promo code, copy it to the clipboard, and follow your way to to dive into the world of yummy homemade Swedish baking treats.

  2. Choose a plan

    Subscribe to a Fikabröd plan to gather individual baking essentials – ingredients, tools, baking décor, and more.

  3. Go to shopping cart

    Cast an eye at the top right-hand corner of the page, click on the shopping cart icon, and view the collected items in the cart summary menu.

  4. Apply the coupon code

    Click on "Add a coupon or gift voucher" in the menu, paste the saved promo code in the "Enter coupon or voucher code" box, and hit "Redeem". You can use your code later at the checkout as well by following the same instructions.

    How to use Fikabröd promo code

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