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How to use a coupon code on Hosim?
Select the Hosim promo code
Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to bring up the favored Hosim promo code, copy it to the clipboard, and follow hosim.com to find your perfect RC car and everything you need to keep it up and running.
Choose the needed products
Add your powerful brushless motor beast to the shopping cart followed by spare and upgrade parts, as well as accessories.
Shopping cart
Make your way to the northeast corner of the page, click on the “Cart” entry to the right of a search field at the top of the page, press “View cart” in the cart summary menu, and explore the collected RC vehicles and supporting items.
Apply promo code
Place the saved promotional code in the "Coupon Code" box in the Order Summary section, and hit "Proceed to the checkout". You can also redeem the code by placing it in the "Discount code" box on the checkout page followed by engaging the "Apply" button.