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How to use a coupon code on PalmBeach Jewelry?
Go to palmbeachjewelry.com
Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to uncover the preferred PalmBeach Jewelry promo code, bring it to the clipboard, and head for palmbeachjewelry.com to discover timeless styles for any occasion.
Choose an item
Choose from ready-to-ship jewels or personalize your own – add your wedding, engagement, and other jewelry accessories to the shopping cart.
Add to cart
Stay on the course to the upper-right corner of the page, click on the shopping bag icon, press “View cart” in the cart summary menu, and inspect the gathered jewelry items in the shopping cart.
Apply discount code
Click on the “Add Coupon” entry in the Order Summary section of the shopping cart page, place the saved promo code in the “Enter your coupon code” box, and hit “Apply” to shine like a diamond wearing your fashionable jewels.