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How to use a coupon code on PLANO?
Go to planooutdoors.com
Press “Show Coupon” or “Get the Deal” to fish out the favored PLANO Outdoors promo code, deposit it into the clipboard, and set off for planooutdoors.com to organize your gear.
Choose an item
Brings some sanity to your fishing or hunting essentials – fill the shopping cart with storage trunks, gun cases, tackle storage, and more items.
Add to cart
Wend your way to the top right-hand corner of the page, click on the shopping cart icon, press “View full cart” at the bottom of the cart summary menu, and walk the grounds of the shopping cart, inspecting the added items.
Apply discount code
Place the saved promotional code in the “Promo code” box in the Summary section of the shopping cart page, and press “Apply” – you can also redeem the code later at the checkout – proceed to the checkout, put the promotion in the “Discount code”, and hit “Apply”.