Veterans Day Promo Codes & Special Offers
Just “Thank You” Will Never Be Enough
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” - well-known and very wise words said once by G.K. Chesterton. No matter what the reasons, political ideas, races, centuries or intentions are, war is a real challenge for everyone who gets involved. The time, when real courage and dignity are shown. The time, when most reopen the concepts of love and respect. The time, when values change and become simpler, but more important at the same time.
Many people’s eyes tear-up when they see photos or videos of the National Cemetery and think of how much living so many of them missed. And the heartbreak of those who lost loved ones - sons, fathers, brothers, husbands, fiancees, friends - can't be measured. We remember, respect, treasure, and admire those, who fought for us. saying just “Thank You” will never be enough.
But we still do thank you for sacrificing your lives, to make our world and each day of our lives better.